
Your box comes with the following database servers:

Note: the Cakebox Commands only support MySQL at this moment.

Connection From Local Machine

To connect to the MySQL service from your local machine:

  • start your local MySQL client tool
  • make a connection to or cakebox:3306
  • log in with user vagrant and password vagrant

Note: you might consider using Sequel Pro, MySQL Workbench or phpMyAdmin.

Connection Inside Virtual Machine

To connect to the MySQL service from within your box use the mysql command with either:

  • the root user with password secret (access to all databases)
  • the cakebox user with password secret (per-database access)
  • the user and password specified while creating the database

Command line examples:

mysql -u root -p
mysql -u cakebox -p
mysql -u my-user -p

Installing phpMyAdmin

These instructions provide you with two easy methods to add phpMyAdmin to your box using:

  • Command Line: non-persistent manual installation
  • Cakebox.yaml: persistent provisioned installation

Note: just replace cakebox.phpmyadmin if you prefer a different url.

Command Line

  1. On your local machine update your hosts file to include cakebox.phpmyadmin
  2. Inside your box run cakebox package add phpmyadmin
  3. Inside your box run cakebox vhost add cakebox.phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin
  4. On your local machine browse to http://cakebox.phpmyadmin
  5. Log in with user root and password secret


Update the Cakebox.yaml file on your local machine to include:

  - url: cakebox.phpmyadmin
    webroot: /usr/share/phpmyadmin

  - apt_packages:
    - phpmyadmin

On your local machine:

  1. Update your hosts file to include cakebox.phpmyadmin
  2. Apply the changes by running vagrant reload --provision
  3. Browse to http://cakebox.phpmyadmin
  4. Log in with user root and password secret